An article of mine about Psychoanalysis and the question of ancestors appeared in an edited volume

Psychoanalysis, Fatherhood, and the Modern Family is a volume edited by Liliane Weissberg that just appeared with Palgrave. It gathers essays about the infamous Oedipus complex and the psychoanalytic tradition’s vexed relationship to this idea. My essay "The Nuclear Family and its Discontents” is about the way the non-nuclear family (i.e. more distant ancestors) make themselves felt in the psychoanalytic writings of Sigmund and Anna Freud, Carl Jung, Leopold Szondi and Melanie Klein. The book is unfortunately prohibitively expensive, but if you have money to burn the link is here.


I was interviewed about Cancel Culture, Students and Empathy for Philosophie Magazin


I wrote about the coverage of the “University of Austin” in the German press