An Article about Admiring Choruses in 19th Century Opera has appeared in a volume

Provozierte Bewunderung is an exciting collection of essays about admiration as an engine of modern art and society. Edited by Kim Hagedorn, Tim Hofmann, and Sarah Möller and published by Fink Verlag, the volume contains absolutely brilliant pieces — and also an essay of mine on adoring choruses in 19th century opera and oratorios. My argument moves from Albert Lortzing, the early Richard Wagner, Robert Schumann’s ballad oratorios, Wagner’s Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg, all the way to the “artist operas” of the turn of the century and early 20th century — from Schreker’s Der ferne Klang all the way to Hindemith’s Mathis der Maler. Most excitingly, the volume is published as open access and you can explore it here.


I wrote about the coverage of the “University of Austin” in the German press


I wrote about the circulation of “Cancel Culture”-anecdotes in German Media